I am by no means a "Financial Guru" but I know that anyone and I mean anyone, earning an average wage, could live mortgage free relative easily. Now you don't have to live off Beans on toast for the rest refinancing mortgage your life, or even expect to pitch a tent on a caravan site in order to get by. In fact I can show you how you can do it and still eat like a King.
There are actually seven steps to making a mortgage free life a reality. The steps are:
1. Build an Emergency Fund
2. Think Long Term
3. Don't try to time the market
4. Start early
5. Choose wisely
6. Watch inflation
7. Save automatically
The above instructions may seem vague and blas, but these are actually the Chapter headings in the e-book, "Mortgages, Money and Magic".
In a nutshell, the instructions in the e-book are to buy a certain type of property that holds its value and then ensure that you make the maximum overpayments allowed in any one year.
There are countless examples of how this simple plan can ensure that your mortgage is paid off within ten years time and time again.
I challenge anyone to find a town in the UK outside of the M25 where it is not now possible to find a 3bed property with parking for mortgage refinancing than 125,000.
Now is the time to get on the property ladder if you are not so already. Property is becoming cheap but this situation will not last. By making Long Term buying decisions, the "Credit Crunch" is simply a blip on an otherwise upwards trajectory.
Use the magic to make sure you can live a mortgage free life! Without a mortgage the world will become a completely different (and much better) place.
New FREE download available at http://www.uncommonadvice.co.uk
Ross Taylor is the author of "Mortgages, Money and Magic" and "The No B.S. Credit Crunch Ready Guide to Buy to Let in 2008". Ross is a succesful Financial Adviser specialising in First Time Buyers and Buy to Let. He owns over 2million worth of property in the UK and regularly gives lectures on Financial Planning