You may be experiencing financial problems that could result in foreclosure and the loss of your home. The hardship that caused you to fall behind in your mortgage payments may be due to reasons beyond your control. An experienced loss mitigation counselor can help by partnering with you to find a solution that fits your needs and circumstances and meets the requirements of FHA, VA, FNMA, Freddie Mac, etc.
The following is a list of options (programs) that can offer you solvency and help you mortgage refinancing back on your feet. By enlisting the aid of a qualified loss mitigation agency, you refinancing mortgage find that their services can meet and/or exceed Federal Housing and HUD provisions. Government-backed programs can help you realize real financial relief without the need for bankruptcy, foreclosure or being forced to sell your home below market value and losing your equity.
VA Modification - If you have incurred a long-term financial hardship, the federal government has designed a special program to help VA backed mortgages. The delinquent amount is added to the principal balance and the loan is re-amortized. This generally results in lower monthly payments and a lower interest rate.
Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure - This is another foreclosure avoidance program that allows you to convey (transfer) your interest in the property to the lender, loan investor or the government. (Again, this option is only if you do not want or cannot afford the home.
Modification - This program adds the delinquent interest, taxes and insurance payments to the unpaid balance. If you qualify, you may be able to get help by extending the repayment of the past due amounts over the remaining term of your loan.
The next step is up to you, and please remember that time is very important when dealing with mortgage lenders and the federal government.
Dan Schultz operates American Loss Mitigation, Inc., a consultancy dedicated to helping people prevent home foreclosure. Schultz also trains interested people to become loss mitigation counselors.