
Marketing For Mortgage Leads Using the Internet

Marketing for mortgage leads is a serious topic. Leads are the life-blood of your mortgage refinancing and you want to know that they'll be flowing in with regularity. But we're not going to talk about just plain-old "I've heard that 1,000 times" strategies refinancing mortgage Rather, I want to chat with you about using the web...

The internet is one of the most powerful tools you can use when marketing for mortgage leads. Want to see some real world numbers to back up this claim? Have a look:

United States Population - 337,000,000 (estimated)

United States Internet Users - 248,000,000 (estimated)

Wow! This means that nearly 73.6% of this country now uses the web on a regular basis! So what are you doing to carve out your own source of business from these mammoth numbers? Most loan officers would have to answer "nothing" to this question, other than perhaps a website that is not being actively marketed. To help give you a little boost, or shot in the arm, how about I give you some examples of marketing for mortgage leads that can give you some inspiration with your own strategy...

My first piece of advice is to marry both online and offline efforts. With the web, you have a tool that can provide instant, and customized info. This makes it easy for your target market to get more info. For example it's no secret I am a huge fan of marketing to realtors. I primarily targeted the top producers in my market, who under normal circumstances wouldn't give a loan officer the time of day - I'm sure you know what I mean...

When faced with this issue, I found a solution was to setup a miniature landing site that used the realtors name as part of the URL. This means that the realtor was now being asked to visit a site that had his/her name as the web address! A quick mailer or phone call was all that I needed to get the agent excited to visit this intriguing site.

Let me ask you a question. If you received a notice that there was a website with your name as the web address, would you check it out? For example: chadweber.com (Not a real website - Just an example) would definitely get my attention, especially if someone contacted me and informed made me aware that it was made specifically for me! You can't resist.

Seem like a lot of work? (It requires maybe 20 - 30 minutes at the most to craft a personal site if you're using the right tools) It's up to you to decide if it's worth it. A realtor listed in the top 100 - 250 within the state is usually closing over 10 - 15,000,000 in transactions each year, and far more if you're in a high dollar area.

Just one of these agents giving you most of their business could easily add 6 figures to your paycheck. What else do you have waiting on your schedule that requires just 30 minutes of your time while potentially adding $100,000 or more to your back pocket? Kind of puts things into perspective there doesn't it? Really motivates you to put some serious thought into your marketing for mortgage leads campaign.

We've barely begun scratching the surface here of what can be done with a combination of online and offline strategies. Want some more examples? We've assembled 3 days worth of free marketing for mortgage leads instruction:

Click here to claim your free 3 days of marketing instruction: Powerful Mortgage Marketing Tools. This will change the way you look at marketing!
